Face The Shame | Klipy Wideo

Artist: Crown ShynessAlbum: EngravedLyrics:Won’t you leave me when I’m old?Won’t you say “it was nothing”?Anything you could have doneWouldn’t save your pride from crawlingHear me out and leave it behindFace the shame, don’t think ‘bout that pastEverything comes to an endThe end of pain, the end of shameAnd I stepped outside the door‘Cause what I saw there was harmingNow I see you raised to fallAs you said we’re all drowningHear me out and leave it behindFace the shame, don’t think ‘bout that pastEverything comes to an endThe end of pain, the end of shameWon’t you leave me when i’m old?Won’t you say “it was nothing”?Anything you could have doneWouldn’t save your pride from crawlingAnd I stepped outside the door‘Cause what I saw there was harmingNow I see you raised to fallAs you said we’re all drowningHear me out and leave it behindFace the shame, don’t think ‘bout that pastEverything comes to an endThe end of pain, the end of shame

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