Who Am I? | Klipy Wideo

A man who lives in honesty and integrity
Will never aim for hurting anyone
The suffering of others is also his harm

Such a man has no reason to feel remorse
He is not driven by regret either
Free from the ballast overwhelming the most of the world's population
He is finally ready
To reach his maximum potential
As a human being

Life is a fucking joke
Why should I be afraid?

The only thing I want
Is my own death

The fear of life is leaving me
I wake up in reality
Of endless possibilities

And when she finally comes for me
That sweet whore, Death
I will follow her
Without a hint of regret in my eyes


released May 10, 2023
Guitars: Karol Lerch
Drums: Bartłomiej Pluciński
Vocals: Mateiusz Sibila
Bass: Paweł Wichary

Mix and master: Daniel Witczak and Krzysztof Małagowski from Aurora Studio
Video: Marcin Halerz

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