Breathe | Muzyka

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Jest to utwór z 2012 roku mówiący o tęsknocie za beztroskimi dniami.Nagranie, obróbka, mastering: Łukasz Jackowski MetalStudioGitara: PniuBas: KubaPerka: TomasTeksty i wokal: Kłak Więcej utworów na mp3wp oraz myspace.TEKST:I’m here again so cold and broken,I wish for the sun to shine on me.I’m here again, but it haven’t been spoken,I wish for the night to go away Breathe! I wanna breathe again Breathe one more day.I feel this fucking shit rotting inside of meGive me harmony, let mi dive in it.Let me dive in it!!! I wanna breathe again Breathe one more day. Follow me to a place inside my mind, Don’t let me dry, don’t let me die.Pull me back to those days, take my pain away,Let me fly, let me feel free just one fuckin’ day. Breathe! I wanna breathe again Breathe one more day.