Garden of undying delight ( Vocal version Nicole Bednarz ) | Muzyka

Garden of undying delight ( Vocal version Nicole Bednarz )
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Tekst utworu Garden of undying delight oraz ścieżki wokalne stworzone są przez Nicole Bednarz.
"The dazzling sun, burst into light
and the radiant moon reflected its light,
to govern the day and rule the night"
reaveals itself the garden of delights
Fruit tempting eyes
Eyes guide the hand
Be charmed reason to profane the land
Cannot be put into words
Fragrant flowers falls as cascades
To God's wishes it defers
Kingdom more persistent
Than stone facades
Better than the work of imagination
Hard to comprehend with the human mind
What transcends the wildest expectation
Out of sins they left behind
Lord said to them,
Whatever you're able to embrace by eyesight
Is for your use, but have in mind
Not to touch the tree of knowledge and tree of life
Lord said to them,
Whatever you're able to embrace by eyesight
Is for your use, but have in mind
Not to touch the tree of knowledge and tree of life
Those who never had a chanceTo experience the felt of loss
They will never be able to appreciate
What brought by lot
Lord had planted a paradise of pleasure
Every kind of goods
But do not taught them how to treasure
Magnificent work of creation
View pleasures the eye
Smell engraves in memory
So vivid and so bright
Place bath in God's glory
Place bath in God's glory