Green Fern | Muzyka

Green Fern
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Utwór z 2012 roku.Nagranie, obróbka, mastering: Łukasz Jackowski MetalStudioGitara: PniuBas: KubaPerka: TomasTeksty i wokal: KłakWięcej utworów na mp3wp oraz myspace.TEKST:Inside there’s a quiet place covered with leavesScreaming through my fingers, dirt between your teeth…Inside there’s a quiet place. Drop of blood on a green fern. Now I’m inside of you and under your nails.Take me to your quiet place, where I can stay,Show me your scars on your face.Nothing seems to change.Take me to your quiet place.Where I can stay! To touch you, to feel you And watch your life fading through your eyes! Drop of blood on a green fern. Now I’m inside of you and under your nails.