New York City | Muzyka

New York City

By the window in a cafe

When the sax plays beautiful yeah

People are well dressed

And listen to the sounds of the jazz

Faint light over the red curtain

Falling on the glistenin’ grand piano

Where the fingers brushing (the) keys

Importantly and with airiness

Suddenly a man in a black coat charged through the door

He took out the gun on the counter, the pianist went to low tones

A lady in red dress came to him and started dancing

Dancing in front of him

New York city salvation my soul

New York City my dream’s home

New York City is around me

Come to New York with me

He boggled, she is dancing around him

Even the drummer went to some smooth theme

He took off black leather gloves and started dancing with her

The lady went with him outside still dancing until

still dancing until

The police car took him

New York City salvation my soul

New York City is a place where I will reborn

New York City in my mind

(Come to New York with me)

Maybe I will do it alone all right

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