Sarang - Where to go? | Muzyka

Sarang - Where to go?

Your twisted shadow conceals the understanding
(Nowhere to, nowhere to go)
Why don't you bleed if you're hurt?
It's so disturbing
(Nowhere to, nowhere to go)

Why don't you bleed if you're hurt?
Is it buried in your soul?
Is it buried in your soul?
Is it buried in you?

Why don't you tell if you know?
Is it buried in your soul?
Is it buried in you?

Why don't you tell if you know?

Where to go?
It's always easy when it's not your turn
to find a way home

Where to go?
And I won't leave until I find the cure
for this world

Where to go?

You asked a question
yet no one's given answer

Why no one listen to you?
Is it buried in your soul?
Is it buried in you?

Why no one listen to you?

Where to go?
It's always easy when it's not your turn
to find a way home

Where to go?
And I won't leave until I find the cure
for this world

Where to go?

Is it buried in your soul?
Is it buried in you?
Is it buried in your soul?
Is it buried in ...

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